Gareth Davies MP today visited Skillington village with Cllr Bob Adams to discuss the ongoing issue of off-road vehicles damaging Viking Way. This has caused a great deal of upset locally as the 4x4 and motorbikes have made parts of the footpath difficult to walk on. Gareth later held talks with Skillington Parish Council Chairman, Richard Wrigley about the issue who is already in touch with the local authority because they have the power to make traffic regulation orders to close routes to motorised vehicles if any problems occur, provided they fully consider and respond to any representations they receive about a proposed order. Byways open to all traffic do carry vehicular rights and are managed by local highway authorities.
In response to last year’s report from the House of Lords Select Committee on the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006, Defra is currently working with Natural England and stakeholders to assess current use of traffic regulation orders and refresh the guidance for local authorities.
Gareth has pledged to continue to monitor the situation in Skillington and will be raising the issue with the local police and Council in due course.