Gareth has welcomed new Government guidance in response to local concerns about the over-development of solar farms in Lincolnshire.
The Secretary of State for Energy Security, Claire Coutinho MP, today delivered a written statement to the House of Commons, updating guidance on use of land for solar projects, including:
- Clarification that applications for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects should avoid the use of Best and Most Versatile agricultural land where possible;
- An announcement that Government databases would be expanded to monitor the type of land being used for such projects;
- An announcement that the Government would facilitate the independent certification of land quality to ensure this is done to a high standard;
- Warning against geographical clustering of proposed solar developments in some rural areas – with Lincolnshire named as an example;
- Reiterating the priority of rooftop solar as an alternative.
Gareth Davies MP said:
“We all recognise the need for renewable energy to bolster our energy security and reduce emissions, but this must be done in a proportionate and sensible way, while respecting the high quality arable land we are fortunate to have in our area.
I wholeheartedly welcome this updated guidance, which addresses disproportionate local development and will better protect our valuable farmland, restoring some much needed balance to our framework.
I continue to monitor applications in our area and do all I can to ensure those in positions of authority respond to the views of local people."