In June I surveyed the village of Colsterworth to take residents' views on their experience of using the A1. The results will be used to inform my ongoing campaign to press National Highways (formerly Highways England) to prioritise improvements to the safety measures along the road.
the majority of responses highlighted the need for longer slip roads and the removal of crossovers as priorities just as I have been campaigning for. After sharing these results with Karen Moore, National Highways’ Development Manager I was informed that National Highways do not intend to take either of these measures forward in their current plans.
This is based upon their analysis which claims that the potential reduction in the number of incidents along this stretch of the road would not be sufficient to attract funding in order to complete the work. Instead, minor improvements will be made to the road including new SLOW road markings and red surfacing on approach to junctions to improve visibility in conjunction with new signage along the route.
I feel that it is important that National Highways are held to account for their decision making especially as their planned measures will not go far enough for many in the village based on the feedback I have received.
I will therefore continue to press for these much-needed improvements to the road by National Highways. For example, you may have seen that I recently invited BBC News to Colsterworth to report on the issues with the A1, if you would like to watch the of the report, follow the link here.
I will continue to update you should any material developments on this matter emerge, in the meantime please do sign up to my monthly update email so that you can stay informed on my activity on behalf of constituents.
Gareth Davies